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The Akademie awards a number of scholarships to promote promising young opera singers.


Interested applicants should immediately submit it with the other documents with the application form. As a rule, the Lotte Lehmann Academy grants scholarships amounting to 25% or 50% of the tuition fee for the 3-week and 2-week modules. A small number of full scholarships for exceptionally gifted singers are possible. Detailed information about the Academy via the Artistic Director, Angelo Raciti ( ).




LLA 2017 Wittenberge

Photo: Fotografenherz, Nico Dalchow


Unsere Besucher: 25805

Lotte Lehmann Akademie

Großer Markt 12 | 19348 Perleberg

Tel.: (03876) 781 401




Lotte Lehmann Woche

Freundeskreis der Lotte Lehmann Woche e.V.

Großer Markt 12 | 19348 Perleberg

Vorsitzender: Angelo Raciti

Tel.: (0173) 194 04 97


